Yesterday a package arrived from Edinburgh designers
Blue Marmalade, so last night was spent putting together one of their wonderfully graceful 'float' mobiles to display in the shop. Estimated time to assemble: 20-30 mins - actual time: 1hr and ehm..the rest! I am now, of course, an expert - so if you would like to come in and buy a 'float' mobile from
boo vake you can also get my 'top tips'- which mostly comprise of what not to do! The one I put together was a rather lovely black and white one, and once finished it looked pretty darn good at home so I was a bit reluctant to take it back to the shop. Anyway you can now see it hanging in the shop.

I left it to my partner Ken to 'pop' up a fabulous orange Blue Marmalade
polyrap wastepaper bin and this he did in not much time at all. It's all in the folding you see - which is what I love about all Blue Marmalade' s products - beautifully simple, every aspect so well thought out, and absolutely nothing there that needn't be.
float mobiles in white or black/white £24
polyrap wastepaper bins in red or orange £18